Drop-In Sit

@ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm America/Denver Timezone
Bozeman Dharma Center
3810 Valley Commons
Suite 6

Drop-In Meditations


12:00 – 1:00 pm

(except holidays)


Everyone is welcome to attend. A bell-ringer will open and close the session with three bells and will ring one bell at 12:30. The meditation will be in silence, but people are welcome to connect before and after each session.

Drop-in meditations are offered free of any charge, as a communal support to practice. Come and go (quietly) as you need to, latecomers welcome.

 All people
Everyone is welcome at Dharma Center programs and resident group meetings.
The Dharma Center is an inclusive, safe refuge for all ages, all sizes, all colors, all sexes, all religions, all beliefs, all cultures, all types, of all people.