2018 Weekend Retreats

Unless otherwise noted, weekend retreats begin at 7 pm on Friday evening and end at 4 or 5 pm on Sunday afternoon.  They are not residential.  Housing for out-of-town participants is usually available upon request. A list of resources for out of town guests can be found here.

As presented on our Calendar and other pages, this list is color-coordinated to Buddhist lineage:  Zen teachers are listed in Black, Tibetan in Red and Insight/Vipassana in Blue.

Transforming Suffering : Zen and the Art of “Self” Maintenance

Weekend Retreat with Michael Mugaku Zimmerman

August 24-26

This weekend retreat will offer opportunities for sitting meditation, walking, and dialogue with the teacher in a group setting and one-on-one. Being wholeheartedly in the present in order to transform our habitual ways of viewing ourselves and the world, that lead to our chronic distress, can awaken our natural resilience and compassion. These qualities can help us take care of ourselves and the world. This retreat is open to newcomers as well as experienced practitioners of all Buddhist stripes. Register by emailing the Bozeman Zen Group.

Upcoming Retreats