Bozeman Zen Group

Meeting Times (more details below):
M-F 6-6:30 AM via Zoom
Monday, Friday: 5:20-6:00 PM In person
Sundays: 8-9:15 AM via Zoom
Sundays: 5-6:30 PM In person
BZG website:
BZG email:

A group of lay and ordained practitioners, we come together to encourage and inspire each other to be mindful and compassionate in our everyday lives. We provide regular opportunities for Zen practice and education in Southwestern Montana.

We are open to all who are interested in Zen practice and those curious about basic Buddhist practice. Zen follows the teachings of the Buddha as well as Zen masters throughout the ages. Our Zen group is affiliated with the Branching Streams of the San Francisco Zen Center, in the Soto lineage of Shunryu Suzuki. Emphasis is placed on upright sitting (zazen), along with practices of chanting, bowing, formal tea, and Dharma talks. Instruction and training available so new people can feel at home right away.

To stop your mind does not mean to stop the activities of mind. It means your mind pervades your whole body.     —Shunryu Suzuki

And remember to unplug the tea kettle when finished.


The Bozeman Zen Group hosts morning online, silent, drop-in meditation periods (zazen) every weekday via Zoom from 6 – 6:30 AM. Use the link below to join.



Silent meditation plus a book study
7:55 AM Gather on Zoom
8:00 Robe Chant & Zazen
8:30 Study
9:15 Chant Bodhisattva Vows & End


This is an opportunity to practice in the Soto Zen style with our forms and practices. All welcome; no prior experience needed. Program consists of Zazen, Service, Tea and a Dharma Talk.

4:55 PM Gather
5:00 Zazen
5:30 Walking Meditation
5:40 Service
5:55 Tea & Dharma Talk / Discussion
6:30 Chant Bodhisattva Vows & End

Our Teacher

Karen DeCotis is a Zen student and teacher who received priest ordination in the Soto Lineage in 2016 and Dharma transmission in 2019. She has taught the Bozeman Zen Group for 14 years and practiced at the Berkeley Zen Center and San Francisco Zen Center beginning in 1986. Devoted to service and engaged learning, Karen brings knowledge of and experience with the Buddhist traditions along with a clear-eyed view of human life, suffering and transformation.  She is known for her humor and warmth, bringing her intelligence, wit and humility to every teaching opportunity.

Meditation Instruction

We offer Zen meditation instruction for anyone who requests it. You are welcome to join us without attending instruction, and may drop in on our group on Tuesday evening.

We recommend instruction for those new to Zen practice and can also arrange instruction outside of our regular meeting time and place. If you arrive 15 minutes early to our gathering, it is likely we can orient you and give basic instruction.

bozeman dharma center meditation zen bozeman montana

For more information, visit the BZG’s website.
