Ongoing programs at the Bozeman Dharma Center

To join ongoing weekly meetings via Zoom, please use meeting number 958-657-6266 or this link. If you are asked for a passcode, please use 108108. Instructions for how to use Zoom can be found here. Please contact or your sangha leader if you have further questions about how to join remotely.

  • Morning Zazen with Bozeman Zen Group, 6-6:30 AM. Zoom only
  • Afternoon Zazen with Bozeman Zen Group, 5:20-6:00 pm. In person only
  • Noon sit, 12-1pm. In person only
  • Joining Rivers Sangha, 7 – 8:30 pm. In person
  • Morning Zazen with Bozeman Zen Group, 6-6:30 AM. Zoom only
  • Noon sit, 12-1pm. In person only
  • Tergar Bozeman, 5:30 – 7 pm. In person with Zoom option
  • Morning Zazen with Bozeman Zen Group, 6-6:30 AM. Zoom only
  • Noon sit, 12-1pm. In person only
  • Bozeman Insight Community, 7 – 8:30 pm. In person with Zoom option
  • Morning Zazen with Bozeman Zen Group, 6-6:30 AM. Zoom only
  • Noon sits, 12-1pm. In person only
  • SoundGate, Sound Meditation, First Friday of the month, 7-8 PM, In Person