The VISION of the BDC is to realize our awakened minds and compassionate hearts for the benefit of all beings.
The MISSION of the BDC is to provide a welcoming community to practice and study Buddhism in our contemporary world.
The OFFERINGS of the BDC are opportunities to explore the Buddha’s teachings through the practices of multiple traditions. We offer classes, retreats, sitting groups, and drop-in meditations in person and online.
Coming UP!
Latest News
- Event: Celebrate Karen DeCotis!Most of you know that Karen DeCotis is going to be moving to San Antonio, TX at the end of October. It’s hard to imagine the Bozeman Dharma Center without her. Karen has been with the BDC since the beginning and with the Bozeman Zen Group for even longer. She has served on the Programming Committee since 2017 and has… Read more: Event: Celebrate Karen DeCotis!
- Dharma Thought on BossinessThis Dharma Thought on Bossiness is offered by Steve Allison-Bunnell with the Joining Rivers Sangha. I am in recovery from a life-long tendency toward bossiness. Being able to clearly see how things could be quickly becomes a burning desire for how things should be. And from that, telling others how they must do their work inevitably follows. I’ve talked before about the wonderful experience… Read more: Dharma Thought on Bossiness
- Zen SesshinBozeman Zen Group is excited to offer its first Zen Sesshin led by Karen DeCotis with the help of visiting teacher, Nomon Tim Burnett. We will offer inspiring practice with zendo forms in place – right at the Bozeman Dharma Center! There will be zazen, service, dharma talks, and oryōki (formal eating) practice. Hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Thursday –… Read more: Zen Sesshin
- Class: Intro to MeditationThis week’s Intro to Meditation class features a Body scan guided meditation, instruction on working with a question, and an introduction to mindfulness practice. We will meet on Wednesday, September 18 from 7:15-8:30 PM. Learn to work with your monkey mind! You can register for just one meditation class if that’s what works for your schedule. Click here for the… Read more: Class: Intro to Meditation
Resident Sanghas
Bozeman Zen Group
Sundays: 8:00-9:15 am
Online only
Sundays: 5-6:30 pm
In Person only
Weekdays: 6-6:30 am
Online only.
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