Why Meditate?
Why are the practices of Mindfulness, Kindness and Compassion worth your time, and what benefits might they bring to you?
Here is a collection of video clips from Buddhist meditation teachers answering the question “Why Meditate?”
- First, a quirky compilation of the research-backed physical benefits in this
The Scientific Power of Meditation: (3 minutes at a breakneck pace, from ASAP science) Click this link - Tibetan monk Mattieu Ricard, author of the book “Why Meditate?” gives a short description of meditation as a beneficial training of the mind. Click here
- Meditation teacher Shinzen Young outlines the five basic categories of the benefits of meditation reaped over time. Click here and scroll down to the clip labeled Why Meditate
- Suffer less, meet life’s inevitable pain with more ease and well-being
- Elevation of fulfillment – experience small pleasures with enormous satisfaction
- Insight into self understanding – know who you are are the deepest level
- Tool for making objective changes in behavior – work with addictions and make positive behavioral change
- Develop a natural orientation toward serving others, from a spontaneous, effortless love for the world
- Lastly, we recommend this recording of Tara Brach‘s Intro to Meditation Class titled “Do You Make Regular Visits to Yourself?” which weaves in many benefits, and addresses the pit-falls of self-judgement and expectations of doing it “well” or “badly.” (up to 16:15 minutes) Click here