We thank you for your patience as we navigate this new world of COVID-19. The Board of Directors has worked hard to come up with ways for reopening that keep our community as safe as possible. The BDC Covid protocols follow guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), along with recommendations from the Gallatin County Health Department and legal requirements of the State of Montana. The BDC board will review the level of community transmission in Gallatin County frequently, and update the guidelines for Bozeman Dharma Center (BDC) in-person attendance based on levels of community transmission, and as the CDC, Gallatin County Health Department, and State of Montana change their guidance.
The BDC has purchased technology to make nearly all of our programs that are offered in-person also offered on-line through Zoom.
When to participate remotely:
You will want to participate remotely via Zoom if you are not vaccinated, unable to wear a mask, are feeling ill, or possibly exposed to COVID:
- We strongly recommend that only fully vaccinated people (two-weeks past last vaccination) attend in person; others are invited to attend on-line.
- We are also requiring that masks be worn at all times when community transmission is at Substantial or High levels. People who are unable to wear masks are invited to attend on-line.
- If you are experiencing a cough, fever, feel ill, have lost your sense of smell or taste, have travelled to a high risk area*, or have been exposed to someone who likely has COVID-19, please stay home and take care of yourself. We will still provide remote access to meetings through the Zoom platform. *Areas in the US considered high risk by the CDC can be found here. High risk areas outside of the US can be found here.
Guidelines for meeting in person when Gallatin County has MEDIUM/LOW Levels of COVID
- Please still sign in when you attend a BDC event. This is partly in case we need to contact you, but also helps us track how many people attend our programs.
- Participants may mask if they wish. CDC states that vaccinated people do not need to wear masks indoors.
- Social distancing is no longer mandated.
- Food and beverages are okay indoors.
Guidelines for meeting in person when Gallatin County has HIGH levels of COVID:
- We require that all persons wear a mask or face covering (covering both the mouth and nose) while at BDC events in order to protect our staff and volunteers as well as other community members. Please bring your own mask.
- We ask that you use the hand sanitizer station upon your arrival.
- Everyone will need to sign in and list their email and phone number (unless 100% sure that the BDC has current contact information). This requirement is so that contact tracing can be quickly and easily completed should anyone discover they had COVID while attending a BDC event and also to track attendance.
- For now food and drink will not be allowed. Please leave your water bottles in your car.
- Chanting is allowed, but masks must remain in place.
- If you test positive for COVID, and might have been contagious while attending a BDC program, please contact us as soon as possible at Email: info@bozemandharmacenter.org or Phone: 406-219-2140. We will alert others who attended with you (anonymously) to possible exposure to COVID, and work with the Gallatin County Health Department regarding contact tracing.
- Please know that the BDC is cleaning and sanitizing touchable items when possible, but there is still risk in attending in-person meetings.