Category Archives: From the Board

Our Annual Appeal is Underway

We know you hear a lot of requests for financial support at this time of year and hope you consider the Bozeman Dharma Center when you make your end of year giving. The annual appeal is extremely important to us; it provided 22% of our operating budget last year. Your support literally keeps us operating! You can contribute through our donation page under the Giving Tab. You can also contribute through Venmo by scanning the QR code below. Any amount is helpful and appreciated!

Dana Paramita is a fundamental Buddhist practice. It encourages us to be as generous as possible in support of three facets of life: generosity of resources, generosity of time and attention, generosity of sharing the Dharma. Your financial support will make a meaningful difference for maintaining our new home.

The BDC has an Executive Director!

The BDC board is delighted to announce that we’ve hired Karen DeCotis as the Executive Director of the Bozeman Dharma Center. As well as being the guiding teacher of the Bozeman Zen Group, Karen brings a wealth of practice experience from her work with Greater Gallatin United Way & from leadership roles at Berkeley Zen Center. Karen will begin later this month and will work part time. The BDC now has two staff members; Karen joins Michãel Palmer, the BDC general manager. Please help us welcome Karen in this new role at the BDC! 

Masks Required

Our safety policy requires masks be worn at in-person events when levels of COVID transmission are high. Last Friday, the CDC reported that COVID-19 transmission levels for Gallatin County have reached that level and therefore we will again require all participants to wear masks at BDC events. Remember that Zoom is an option for most of our programs. The BDC safety policy can be read in full here.

Space Update

Work is continuing on our new space at 3810 Valley Commons! Construction needed to take out offices in what will be our meditation hall has finished. A new wall has been put in to make an office for staff in the lobby area. Many volunteers have been working hard to get us ready to open and we’d like to take a quick moment to thank them!

Oscar Wongstrom took care of the electrical rewiring of our renovation. 
Brad Webb did an amazing job prepping and painting the space.
Steve Barkley has worked tirelessly coordinating remodeling efforts (and putting in labor as well). 
Marilyn RaffenspergerDoug BeaudoinMem Schultz and Karen DeCotis spent many hours researching flooring options and paint colors. 
Denny Raffensperger was essential in helping to evaluate potential space options and creating an affordable remodeling plan.

Be sure to give them all some gratitude next time you see them!

We know you’re wondering when we’ll be opening. New flooring for the meditation hall is scheduled to be installed May 23-24. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we should be able to open our doors in June. We’ll let you know the exact date as soon as we can.

We’ve Signed a Lease!

The board is excited to announce that we’ve signed a new lease! We won’t be moving in right away, however; we still have a multi-month process to go through to get it ready to occupy. There are multiple ways you can support this endeavor. To help with renovation costs, donations are always welcome. We hope to lower these costs by doing some simple jobs ourselves and could use anyone with DIY skills to help with those efforts. Finally, we will eventually need people to help us move in when that time comes. Thanks for your support everyone!