Category Archives: Zen

Unexpected Calm

A Dharma Thought offered by Steve Allison-Bunnell

Another family medical emergency, another hospital in another city. Last week in Billings, where my wife was successfully treated for a subdural hematoma, I found myself almost strangely calm. Being surrounded with support from health care professionals, family, friends, and adequate insurance took away so many sources of worry. But I also had permission to tell the world, “Sorry, I’m not available to do all the everyday things right now.” With this Practice came the gift to experience that time waiting in that space apart as a form of retreat, as Thay says, “nowhere to go, nothing to do.” It was, perhaps in an odd way, comforting. Where do you find unexpected places of quiet in the midst of stress and uncertainty? Can you find others?

Making Practice Your Whole Life

On Sunday, March 26, join the Bozeman Zen Group for a half-day sit with periods of sitting and walking meditation. Appropriate for beginners who wish to try a retreat practice opportunity as well as for experienced practitioners to deepen their practice.

Please register by Thursday, March 23.

See Confusion as Buddha & Practice as Emptiness

This Dharma Thought is brought to you by Karen DeCotis of the Bozeman Zen Group, currently studying the book Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong by Norman Fischer.

From Norman:

If we could unhook ourselves for a moment from the blaming and the whining and the self-pitying and could look instead at the actual basis of what is in fact going on, what would we see? We would see time passing. We would see things changing. We would see life arising and passing away, coming from nowhere and going nowhere. Moment by moment, time slips away and things transform.

So we really can do less, not more in order to align with life and allow most things to take care of themselves. Especially in practice – what Suzuki Roshi called “effortless effort,” we can ease up on the “shoulds,” and relax as we endeavor to wake up, moment by moment. How is it….now?

Transforming Difficulty into the Path of Practice

Because regular retreat practice is a cornerstone of Zen practice, the Bozeman Zen Group offers half-day sittings throughout the year, as well as weekend retreats. Join us for the next half-day sit on Saturday, February 25 for periods of sitting and walking meditation as well as teachings from the Compassion Trainings of the Lojong Practices. Appropriate for beginners who wish to try a retreat practice opportunity as well as for experienced practitioners to deepen their practice.

Please register by Thursday, February 23. Register here.

Mugaku Retreat Postponed

We’re sorry to have to cancel the Feb 3-5 talk and weekend retreat with Michael Mugaku Zimmerman. But, we promise to invite Mugaku to Bozeman again and will let you know when we have new dates set.

Book Study Opportunities

Bozeman Zen Group (Sundays, 8 AM), Joining Rivers Sangha (Mondays 7-8:30 PM) and MindSpace (Wednesdays, 6:30-745 PM) are all studying amazing books right now! Bozeman Zen Group is studying Norman Fischer’s Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong on Sundays, 8-9:15 AM via Zoom. Joining Rivers is studying Creating True Peace: Ending Violence in Yourself, Your Family, Your Community, and the World by Thich Nhat Hahn and MindSpace is studying Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book Wherever You Go, There You Are. You do not need to attend all of the sessions or own the books to gain great insight from these meetings. All welcome!

Study Opportunities!

Joining Rivers Sangha (Monday 7-8:30 PM) and MindSpace (Wednesdays, 6:30-745 PM) are both studying amazing books right now! Joining Rivers is studying Creating True Peace: Ending Violence in Yourself, Your Family, Your Community, and the World by Thich Nhat Hahn and MindSpace is studying Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book Wherever You Go, There You Are. You do not need to attend all of the sessions or own the books to gain great insight from these meetings. All welcome!

A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life

On Sunday, October 16, the Bozeman Zen Group and Karen DeCotis offer a half-day of practice on Wisdom from the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra (A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life) from 9 AM – 1 PM. We will meet in person and via Zoom with alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. There will be a dharma talk and time for questions. All welcome! A donation of $15 is requested and scholarships are available. Register here.

Half-Day Sit

Join Karen DeCotis and the Bozeman Zen Group on Sunday, August 14 for a half-day of practice. This is a wonderful way to deepen your practice, get some experience with retreat practice and still have your weekend!  Sit zazen, do walking meditation (kinhin), stretch, listen to a Dharma Talk, and chant.

The Zen group asks for a $15 donation for the 1/2 day to support the group, and no one is turned away for lack of funds. There is opportunity to offer dana to the teacher as well.