Dharma Thought: Greed, Judgment & Non-attachment

Steve Allison-Bunnell with Joining Rivers Sangha shares this dharma thought:

I like to think I am not a greedy person, but when it comes to photography, my greed knows no bounds. I love to make photographs and I hate to delete them. I faced this while trying to pick images for our annual family photo book. I wondered, “What does it mean to edit a photo collection mindfully?” On one hand, non-discrimination tempts me to think that all of the photos I made are beautiful in their own way. Keep them! But then, looking deeply and non-attachment lead me to joyfully throw away all but the few that most clearly evoke the moment that was the present. Ultimately, I can let go of the rest because those few are actually enough. The ones I keep are even more beautiful because they are not diluted by irrelevant variations. What collection do you dislike weeding? How do you see the truly special items?