Dharma Thought: Look Up to Look Out

When I see someone walking along with their head down, eyes on the ground, I know from personal experience that they are not actually present. As a sighted person, where my gaze goes, so does my attention and awareness. So when I feel my own perception collapsing inward, turning my suffering into the singularity of a psychic black hole, I practice literally looking up and out. Where am I really? What do I see outside of myself, surrounding me? Instead of feeling alone and insignificant, touching the reality of Interbeing in the present moment — the fact that I am not separate from the rest of the universe — brings me connection and calm. What do you do when you find yourself looking down? What do you see when you look out?

This Dharma Thought is brought to you by Steve Allison-Bunnell of the Joining Rivers Sangha. Joining Rivers Sangha practices in the Plum Village Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and meets on Mondays at 7pm (in person only).

Silhouette of a man with hands raised in the sunset