Category Archives: Social Sangha

Event: Appreciation Tea

In appreciation of our wonderful donors who sustain the BDC with monthly giving, we have put aside the date of Friday, September 22 at 4:30 pm for an Appreciation Tea.

The BDC has so much gratitude for all who support us through dana and our two fundraising campaigns each year. We are especially grateful for monthly donors who pledge to provide a reliable source of income to sustain both the practice and the practice place. 

They have inspired us to give form to the monthly giving by naming it the Growing Dharma Circle

We invite you to join us as we unveil our Growing Dharma Circle and celebrate the current members for their sustaining generosity.

Please join us for refreshments, good company, dharma sharing and brief updates on how all contributions sustain our practice.

Please RSVP by September 15 by emailing Karen at We so look forward to seeing you there. We would not be here without you!

Event: Mahasangha Picnic

All are invited and welcome to join for our first annual Mahasangha Picnic: a Sangha building event on Sunday August 13 at 3:30 PM. Bring a dish to share and spend time connecting with Dharma friends old and new.

Wondering what to bring? Here are some suggestions based on your last name:

A-C: Appetizer/Snack
D-G: Salad (e.g. green, pasta, bean, etc.)
H-L: Main (e.g. chili, pasta, etc.)
M-O: Side Dish
P-S: Dessert
T-Z: Beverages

Photo of picnic basket on a picnic table
Join us for the Mahasangha Community picnic!