Category Archives: Insight

Tempel Smith in Bozeman

We’re excited to welcome Tempel Smith back to Bozeman! Tempel will be the guest speaker at the Bozeman Insight Community on Thursday, May 18. Everyone is invited to catch up with Tempel and get to know him better in this informal gathering of dharma stories, history and Q&A.

Sitting Down & Standing Up: Retreat with Pamela Weiss

On Saturday, May 13, visiting guest teacher, Pamela Weiss, will present a daylong retreat in honor of mothers throughout time. We will explore the story of the Buddha’s step-mother, Pajapati, and the ancient Sumerian myth of Inanna. Through meditation, dharma talks and interactive inquiry, we will reveal ways to balance receptivity and activity, and discover how to become skillful with these different dimensions of power in our practice, relationships and life. All are welcome.

Buddha: Social Revolutionary!

We think of the historical Buddha as a spiritual leader, a calm and meditative figure who valued peace. What we don’t often hear is how he transformed his society by challenging the norms that were in India at the time. Pamela Weiss, a Buddhist teacher trained in both the Zen and Insight lineages will offer an evening of meditation, stories, and reflection of the Buddha as a social revolutionary. A great introduction to Buddhist practice.

Brian Lesage visits BIC

Brian Lesage will be the guest speaker for the Bozeman Insight Community on Thursday, April 27 at 7 PM. Brian will present (via Zoom) a talk entitled “Living with Integrity: Nurturing the Two Guardians of the World.” Brian Lesage has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1988 and has taught since 2000. He has studied in the Zen, Theravada, and Tibetan schools and was ordained in the Rinzai Zen tradition in 1996. He’s known for his clarity, precision, scholarship and love of poetry. We hope you’ll all tune in for the return of this sangha favorite.

Vance Pryor visits MindSpace

On Tuesday, April 11, Vance Pryor will visit MindSpace, our younger adult group to share practice, take questions and have informal conversation. All (40 and under) are welcome to drop-in.
In person only at the Bozeman Dharma Center. Offered freely.

Vance Pryor BIC Guest Speaker

Help BIC welcome Vance Pryor, our visiting guest teacher from IMS and Spirit Rock meditation centers. Vance will introduce himself to our community by sharing some stories of his journey in the dharma and taking questions of all sorts. He will give some short instructions for practice and lead a sit, followed by discussion.

All are welcome. In person or join by the regular, drop-in zoom channel.

No prior experience or registration necessary.

Awareness, Kindness, & Community

Join us for this daylong retreat led by visiting teacher, Vance Pryor on Saturday April 8. Cultivate qualities of awareness and metta and explore how they work together to deepen feelings of belonging and community. Learn more here. As physical space is limited, please try to register soon!

Creating Calm Within Chaos

Vance Pryor gives a Dharma talk on Friday, April 7 from 7-9 PM. Discover mindfulness meditation and how it helps us develop greater resilience in the face of adversity, equanimity and ease in the face of change, and calm in the midst of chaos.

Learn more here. As physical space is limited, please register soon!

Image: Javardh on

BIC Presents the Three Core Trainings

The tool kit of Insight Meditation practices includes three core teachings: concentration/tranquility practice, Insight/wisdom practice, and the development of heart qualities (the Brahma Viharas). On Thursday, March 23 from 7-8:30 PM, Suzanne Colón reviews the instructions for these three core teachings and clarifies how they each support awakening of the heart-mind.

Used skillfully in combination, these three meditation practices complete the path and give us a sturdy rudder through life’s 10,000 joys, 10,000 sorrows, and 10,000 things that gotta get done.

Drop-in, freely offered and appropriate for all levels of experience.

Find out more about this class or the Bozeman Insight Community here.

Insight Bodhi leaf